In order to effectively control and manage the logistics flow, information is required. With I.N.Sight, you always have access to all critical business information in the logistics flow, regardless of the mode of transportation, and all the way from order to delivery.
I.N.Sight is a flexible customer portal with extensive capabilities to customize according to your needs for information about shipments, containers, or orders.
For example, you can easily access current status by searching for your own reference number, and in case of any delays, you can receive a notification to ensure timely action.
You can also invite your suppliers, partners, and offices around the world so that everyone can interact and access the same information - 24/7.
Klippan 1A
Box 12073
SE-402 41 Gothenburg, Sweden
Besök/Visit: Klippan 1A, 414 51 Göteborg
Öppet/Open 08:00-17:00, 15/5-15/9 08:00-16:00