Together, you and I can do something significant for a sustainable climate. For example, planting thousands of trees. That's what Infranordic is doing by supporting Vi-skogen's tree planting work in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. We call the project I.N. Green Tree Planting.
For us, involvement in "Vi-skogen" is important. It's a tangible way to offset our carbon emissions. It's also positive to contribute to improved living conditions for people while strengthening the environment and biodiversity.
Trees help barren land regain its natural fertility. They protect against erosion and scorching sun. Trees provide fruits, nutrition, and food on the table. Trees improve the living environment for birds and insects. Trees are used as building materials and create new livelihood opportunities. Two trees for every shipment. A step towards a greener world.
Now we want your help to increase the pace and take the next step so that even more trees can be planted. We hope that you and your company will join us on this journey!
Klippan 1A
Box 12073
SE-402 41 Gothenburg, Sweden
Besök/Visit: Klippan 1A, 414 51 Göteborg
Öppet/Open 08:00-17:00, 15/5-15/9 08:00-16:00