Extensive Experience in various types of Project Cargo

At Infranordic, we have extensive experience in handling various types of project cargo. This includes all types of oversized goods, winter testing of vehicles, exhibition cargo, hazardous materials – no task is too difficult, large, or unusual for us.

We can develop solutions for packaging that protect the cargo during transportation. We possess the specialized expertise required for these high-quality transports.

Call us at +46 31 333 20 80, and we'll tell you more!

Great Collaboration with Our Agent in Germany

From our agent in Germany, we received the exciting task of loading a helicopter from Umeå to Canada.

Before the helicopter could be loaded into the container, we had to wait for parts that needed to be flown in. These parts were to be assembled on the machine before loading could commence.

There was excellent collaboration between our export and import departments, as well as our agent in Germany.

Logistics solutions for winter test activities of vehicles in Sweden

Infranordic works closely with car manufacturers that test vehicles in the Swedish winter environment every year. It's a specialized logistics service that we've been involved in for many years. We take care of all the details. All you need to focus on is conducting the winter tests as effectively as possible. We know what it takes to ensure that logistics run smoothly.

Our responsibility covers the entire chain from the arrival of vehicles in Sweden to, under strict confidentiality, returning the vehicles to our client.

There are many issues that need to be addressed to ensure everything runs smoothly during winter vehicle testing. Proper handling of issues related to customs clearance, permits for temporary importation, deliveries as per agreement to the test area, and safety considerations are crucial for effective winter environment testing.


Infranordic Shipping & Forwarding AB

Klippan 1A
Box 12073
SE-402 41 Gothenburg, Sweden 

Besök/Visit: Klippan 1A, 414 51  Göteborg
Öppet/Open 08:00-17:00, 15/5-15/9 08:00-16:00